
Up to 5,000 Expected to Protest Against Reagan Policies on Inaugural Parade Route

Associated Press

Groups critical of President Reagan’s policies announced plans Wednesday for a demonstration along the inaugural parade route to show the President that his programs face opposition.

Between 2,000 and 5,000 persons are expected to gather on Pennsylvania Avenue near the White House for the rally Monday, organizers said.

‘Militant’ Protest

“Ours will be a militant, visible and spirited protest,” said Brian Becker of the People’s Anti-War Mobilization, one of the groups organizing the demonstration.


Becker said protesters will assemble on the sidewalk, carrying placards and portable sound systems. “It will be legal and orderly,” he said.

Another protest organizer, Sahu Barron of the All-Peoples Congress, said protesters would include the unemployed, the poor, women, anti-South Africa activists, gays, lesbians and students.

Formed in 1981

The All-Peoples Congress is a nationwide group formed in 1981 to fight for the rights of the oppressed, Barron said.


A spokesman for the District of Columbia police said the protest is not expected to cause problems during the parade because of tight security being coordinated by the Secret Service.
