
The Challenge for Bradley

Mayor Tom Bradley has led Los Angeles through 12 years of achievement and challenge. Every vote will count on Tuesday to give him the firm backing that he needs to address the city’s new challenges.

Bradley has already guided the city out of a fractious era into one of national notice, highlighted by the successful Olympic Games last year. The city is more of a whole than the collection of warring self-interests that he inherited when he came to office. Largely through force of personality and his own hard work, he has brought together leaders of many communities to work to benefit both their own areas of interest and the city as a whole.

Asked what he hopes to accomplish in the next four years, Bradley points to anticipated improvements in transportation, trade and housing. The mayor wants to explore the limits to development and the best means to manage transportation as more business is centered downtown. He wants to finish the redevelopment of Spring Street, which has already attracted city offices and some businesses but still needs leadership to keep improving an area that had grown seedy. So far,the mayor adds, the city has found only temporary solutions from the problems of the homeless; more permanent low-cost housing and appropriate job training are needed for them. And the mayor wants to pursue international trade even more aggressively as Los Angeles continues to grow.


Of course, there are worn spots in the city fabric; there are in any city. Redevelopment needs momentum from Watts to Crenshaw to Hollywood to Reseda. The city can do a better job with its role in policing toxic dumpers and slum landlords. The city must remain vigilant to ensure that minorities and women continue to gain in public employment, despite efforts to the contrary from the Reagan Administration. City personnel, from the highest level to the lowest, must know that sloppy performance or questionable ethics will not be tolerated.

A city has a tone. Los Angeles is a diligent, growing, comfortable but not complacent city.It has many languages, many cultures, many strengths. One of those strengths, the person who helps set the tone for success, is Mayor Tom Bradley. We recommend a vote for his reelection on Tuesday.
