
Movie Stars and Farm Policy

Thank God, the American farmer has been saved! Basing their testimony on their extensive familiarity with the Hollywood farm system (each has made a film about farm life), the three prominent agronomist/economists from Hollywood, Sissy Spacek, Jane Fonda and Jessica Lange, testified on America’s agriculture crisis before a dozen Democratic congressmen.

That noted consultant to Hanoi, Jane Fonda, with her usual unbiased, analytical approach to the situation, put her finger right on the problem by blaming President Reagan, even though poor Ronnie had nothing to do with the farm subsidy program installed by the Democrats long before Ronnie’s time and which, according to many experts, led to the mess some farmers are in today.

What is the significance of this Hollywood show in Washington? Could it be evidence of the dilapidated condition of the Democratic Party?



Laguna Beach
