
‘Why No Fury’ at Soviets?

Bravo to Conine for his column on Soviet atrocities. Humans seem very slow to learn about suffering and pain; perhaps that is why we continue to have wars and violence.

The experiences of the Holocaust, kept alive by documentation and the Jewish spirit, added to our sensitivity for those who suffered 40 years ago. But the Nazis of Bitburg are dead, while atrocities live on today, perpetuated by the same spirit, though the nationality or uniform may have changed.

They will not be stopped until we learn to expand our compassion and sensitivity of one group’s pain to embrace the pain of those who are enduring it now. The Holocaust memory will be in vain if we continue to ignore this reality.


Perhaps the wounds are so deep that it is easier to cry out against dead torturers than living torturers. But the torture will not stop unless we face the living, and have the courage to stand up to all degradation of life.


Los Angeles
