
Crashes in Norco Area Take 2 Lives

Two men have died as a result of separate traffic accidents in the Norco area, a Riverside County coroner’s official said Monday.

Jeffrey Logsdon, 22, of La Mesa died of multiple injuries Saturday when he lost control of his car and hit a tree bordering Pedley Avenue, the coroner’s official said.

Norco firefighters had to cut into the wreckage to free Logsdon’s body, acting Fire Chief Patrick Murphy said.


Also on Saturday, Jake Overstreet, 61, of Mira Loma died of injuries he suffered in a Sept. 13 accident in an unincorporated area north of Norco. He had been in the neurosurgical intensive care unit at Riverside General Hospital since Sept. 14.

Overstreet was driving on Hamner Avenue, near Bellegrave Avenue, when he sideswiped another car, ran off the road and was thrown from his car, the coroner’s office said. Overstreet was not wearing seat belts.
