
Boy, 11, Tells Court of Seduction by Priest

Associated Press

An 11-year-old boy testified today that he was seduced by his Roman Catholic priest into sex and now feels uncomfortable when his father or any other adult tries to show him affection.

The child’s testimony came on the fourth day of the trial of a $12-million damage suit filed by his parents, Glenn and Faye Gastal, against the Roman Catholic Church.

The boy’s name is being withheld under an agreement that allowed reporters to stay in the courtroom today while other spectators were ordered outside.


Nervously, but with none of the tears that marked his parents’ testimony earlier, he told the jury that Father Gilbert Gauthe seduced him when he was 7 on a night the boy had stayed late at the rectory to prepare for the next morning’s Mass.

He said he didn’t tell his parents because Gauthe threatened to hurt them if he did. The abuse continued for a year, until Gauthe was suspended, the boy testified.

At times, the boy said, Gauthe would have several boys stay overnight at the rectory and would have them fondle each other while he took instant pictures.


“I thought he was doing the right thing, because he was a priest,” the youngster said.

He said that he no longer trusts priests or wants to be around them and that he has difficulty showing love for his parents, particularly his father.

“When he hugs me, I just feel funny,” he said.

The church, whose officials heard allegations against Gauthe 10 years before his 1983 suspension, has admitted liability in the case. The only issue in this trial is how much the Gastals should be awarded.

The Lafayette diocese has settled 13 families’ lawsuits against Gauthe for a reported $5.5 million, with none of those cases going to trial.


Gauthe, 40, was sentenced to 20 years in prison last October after admitting he molested about three dozen of his parishioners’ children--mostly altar boys.
