
‘It was the best birthday party of...

<i> Compiled by the Fashion86 staff </i>

‘It was the best birthday party of my life,” Academy Award-winning songwriter Paul Jabara says of the dress-up birthday bash Julio Iglesias gave for him in a private room at the Le Dome in West Hollywood last Saturday night. Jabara says he’s still recovering from the “wonderful shock” of seeing such celebs as Elizabeth Taylor (“in sequins and diamonds”), Ursula Andress, Whoopi Goldberg, Don Johnson, Carol Burnett and daughter Carrie, comedy writer Kenny Solms, Fran Stark, Jerry Zipkin, Michael J. Fox, opera singer Julia Migenes Johnson, Lisa Presley (Elvis’ daughter), Bianca Jagger, Pat Ast (soon to star in “Reform School Girls”), Antar (the 7-foot, 300-pound co-star with Ast of Jabara’s new video, “Ocho Rios”)--all dressed in their finest to honor his 38th year. “We drank Dom Perignon, we ate spaghetti with caviar, we sang,” Jabara says. “I did a duet with Pat Ast, Julio sang to Elizabeth, and we danced until 3 in the morning,” he tells Listen. And, we hear from one of the guests that the morning after the party, Iglesias sent 40 roses to every woman who was there.

What a deal. Not only do you get a Caribbean cruise that includes a ride through the Panama Canal, you get Nolan Miller, designer of the “Dynasty” soap fashions, as part of the price of a ticket. Touch the dress that Krystle (Linda Evans) wore when she said “I do” to Blake (John Forsythe). Ooogle the outfit Alexis (Joan Collins) mucked up the night of her fateful car crash. Along with his own fashion shows, Miller will host question-and-answer sessions as well as giveaways (free clothes!) during the 11-day Princess Cruise vacation. And, he’ll be “showing” (for sale) the Dynasty TV Series Collection of women’s fashions, available in specialty stores nationally.

Who was the woman who went into the Tovar hair salon in Beverly Hills looking like Annie Hall and came out looking like Veronica Lake? None other than Faye Dunaway, in town recently for the Golden Globe Awards. Hair stylist Laurence Roberts tells Listen that Dunaway arrived “incognito” wearing dark glasses, blue jeans, high-top Reeboks and a long navy raincoat. Her blond hair, he says, was stuffed inside a black Annie Hall-type hat. She came out with her “very curly” locks coiffed in a straight, sexy style complete with a Veronica Lake wave over one eye. It was all a trial run for the night of the awards when Roberts repeated the style for Dunaway and threw in some free advice on which earrings and stockings she should wear with her beaded dress. Roberts says the actress called the next day to say she loved her hair. But then she would. “She’s like a 1930s movie star even down to the way she lights her cigarette,” Roberts says. She’s also “very kind, very funny, very graceful.”


Portrait Cinematique sounds like the latest trend in French movie making. Actually, it’s the latest lure from Christian Dior cosmetics. Dior’s home-video and VCR-inspired technique, billed as a video beauty makeover, will be in use at Bullock’s South Coast Plaza store until Saturday. Shoppers willing to sit still for a cosmetic makeover by a professional are taped during the glamour-packed event and given the tape to take home as a teaching tool. Maybe the most fun is for aspiring actresses and dormant divas who can watch themselves starring in their own taped beauty lesson while it’s in progress on a video screen in the store.

There are wearable computers and wearable music systems and wearable TV sets. So who can be surprised that there are now wearable greeting cards as well? How’s this for a T-shirt message with a meaning: “We stayed together because we played together. Happy anniversary, darling.” It’s the sort of thing the Wearable Greeting Cards Co. is liable to print up for its no-card-carrying customers “who care enough to be original” and who like to make their feelings known to the world. The cards (shirts?)--there’s one for every occasion, all covered with greetings as catchy as the anniversary message--sell for $9. Order from the Wearable Greeting Card Co., P.O. Box 399, Atlanta, Ga. 30301.

Italian pussycats: On Friday of last week, the new moderately priced “Moods by Krizia” fashion collection hit the racks of the Limited shop on Madison Avenue in New York. By 3 o’clock on the following afternoon, the collection was “virtually sold out,” says Ed Razek, marketing vice president of the 600-store nationwide chain of shops. The Italian-designed collection (by Mariuccia Mandelli of Krizia) will hit the Beverly Hills branch of the Limited on Feb. 14. And Razek says Beverly Hills shop personnel are preparing for a banner day. “It was so inordinately successful that we elected to take it into all 600 of our stores immediately,” Razek says, “instead of putting it only in 300 stores for a start.” The Krizia signature print of a whiskered pussycat will be evident on linen blazers, cotton T-shirts and cotton-knit leggings in a price range of $20 to $125, Razek says.
