
Rolling Hills : Recreation Facilities Reopen

City tennis courts and the Hesse’s Gap equestrian riding ring, closed by the Rolling Hills Community Assn. when liability insurance policies lapsed a month ago, have been reopened.

The facilities are in use again under an amended agreement between the City Council and the Rolling Hills Community Assn., which operates them under a lease from the city. A second riding ring, Hick’s Ring, is still closed and equestrian trails is open to residents only.

The Hesse ring is used by Caballeros del Rancho Palos Verdes, a community equestrian group, and Caballeros liability insurance will cover use of the ring. There will be no liability protection at the tennis courts. Users of both the rings and the courts must sign waivers holding the city and the association harmless in case of accidents.


The association closed all recreational facilities in the city after liability protection for the city and the association lapsed on Jan. 8.

The city, which is still in the market for insurance, has established a $130,000 municipal self-insurance reserve fund to protect itself until insurance is obtained.
