
The Election in the Philippines

It is time that the United States sees through Ferdinand Marcos and discards him. As his fake war record and medals proclaim, he is not what he pretends to be. Rather than a staunch anti-communist, he is instead, by his abuses, commumism’s biggest recruiter. Rather than being a dependable U.S. ally, he waffles and threatens accommodation with China and the Soviet Union.

American taxpayers’ money supports Marcos. American guns and bullets kill Filipinos. How long can the United States hold on to its military bases if it persists in embracing a detested dictator?

That Corazon Aquino won the voting but not the counting can only be attributed to the Filipino people’s valiant and dogged love of freedom and democracy--the very same shining ideals that President Reagan fondly champions in words but not, apparently in the case of the Philippines, in deeds.



