
‘Ignorant’ People Who Visit L.A. Art Museums

In his letter (Aug. 14), Ned B. Tuck was justifiably critical of the cramped rooms used for the Impressionist exhibit at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. However, his complaints about being offended and bothered by the “ignorant” people visiting the exhibition were utterly fatuous.

Apparently, Tuck thinks only persons holding Ph.Ds in fine arts should visit art museums. While on the one hand decrying Philistinism (though a true Philistine would never be found in an art museum), he unaccountably asks that we “educate the public.”

If one is ignorant about art, what better way is there to help overcome this condition than to visit an art museum?


Tuck also gave the sage advice that we should “maintain the Getty” as if the world’s wealthiest art museum were not building a huge new facility but, rather, in danger of going “belly up.”

He was concerned that he might sound like a “tea-sipping San Francisco snob.” Rather, Tuck sounded like an arrogant, elitist, supercilious whiner.


Santa Monica
