
Hawkins, Graham Leaders in Florida Senate Primary

From Associated Press

Sen. Paula Hawkins of Florida apparently captured the Republican nomination for a second term Tuesday and Gov. Bob Graham was the top vote-getter in the race to be the Democratic Senate nominee.

In Georgia, two heroes of the civil rights movement, state Sen. Julian Bond and former Atlanta City Councilman John Lewis, ran neck-and-neck in early returns from a Democratic congressional runoff that has strained their long friendship.

In Nevada, a current and former congressman sought nominations to succeed Republican Sen. Paul Laxalt. Nevada also had primaries for governor.


Results in Florida

In early returns, Hawkins had a substantial lead over Ocean Ridge Mayor Jon Larsen Shudlick. Graham, completing his second term, was out polling Bob Kunst, a gay rights activist.

In the GOP primary for governor, Bob Martinez, a former Tampa mayor who used to be a Democrat, was out front followed by former Rep. Louis Frey.

Among Democrats, Atty. Gen. Jim Smith was ahead, followed by former state Rep. Steve Pajcic, who had led in most pre-election polls.


Nevada’s Senate race also featured a recent convert to GOP ranks, former Rep. Jim Santini, one of the “boll weevil” Democrats who helped push President Reagan’s budget and tax cuts through Congress.

Unknowns in Race

Opposing Santini for the Republican nomination for Laxalt’s seat were two political unknowns, airline pilot Curk Cave and Las Vegas minister Richard Gilster II.

The Democratic front-runner was two-term Rep. Harry Reid, whose only opposition came from Manny Beals, owner of a Lake Tahoe gas station and hamburger stand who was found in contempt of court for refusing to remove a garish business sign.


Nevada’s Democratic Gov. Richard H. Bryan faced primary opposition from businessman Herb Tobman, who lost his Las Vegas gaming license after a skimming investigation. In the GOP primary, state Treasurer Patty Cafferata and state Assemblyman Jim Stone were the best known of five candidates.

In Georgia’s 5th Congressional District, the GOP nomination also was being decided by a runoff, between former Atlanta policeman David Yood and journalist Portia Scott. The district has not sent a Republican to Congress since 1873.
