

“Throb,” a new syndicated series that premieres Saturday at 7:30 p.m. on Channel 4, looks like it wants to be a comedy for yuppies who need to put down the generation right behind them.

It features Diana Canova as Sandy, a divorced mother from Buffalo working as a secretary at a small record company in New York City, where she is considered an old-timer at 33 and accordingly can try to get laughs by doing double takes at punk rockers with tinted hair and making jokes about the names of their groups.

In the first installment, Sandy is called on to acquire the rights to a ballad that she danced to when she was in high school. The catch is, her boss wants to have a group called Bleeding Gums do it in their “contemporary” style.


You can bet the songwriter won’t like that. Until he gets his royalty check, of course. This is for yuppies, remember?

Canova projects perkiness but little depth, and that’s the best that can be said for the show as well. It was created by Fredi Towbin, who produces it in conjunction with executive producers Sy Rosen and Jerry Ross.
