
Confirmation of Rehnquist

Rehnquist as chief justice? No! I don’t believe that we lose our freedoms by one grand coup, but rather by a series of lesser mistakes.

In 1968 we elected a President of the United States who, in my opinion, had a disoriented sense of legal direction. He appointed a Supreme Court justice whose record reveals a blunted sense for human rights, Rehnquist. Mistakes numbers 1 and 2.

In 1980 we elected another President who almost daily exercises what I consider a flawed sense of human rights. Mistake number 3. This President proposes Rehnquist for chief justice and mistake number 4 is made. A like-minded Senate confirms mistake number 4 and thereby commits mistake number 5.


How many more numbers must roll up on this Russian roulette wheel spin before the inevitable disaster?


