

Congratulations to Patrick Goldstein for the well-researched attention he lavished on the deejays of “Shock Radio: Is It Satire or Just Bad Taste?,” Feb. 22).

As a follower and fan of Steve Dahl and Garry Meier in Chicago during their ascension to star status, I was pleased that Goldstein included them in his story. I have greatly missed the wit and humor of these “kook-a-las” (as they referred to themselves) since moving to the West Coast.

After six years here, I still can’t fathom why Southern California lacks at least one big-share, big-ratings radio funnyman (or woman).


Surely the talent is out there. And just as surely there must be an audience for it. Won’t some truly “progressive” station give one of these guys a chance out here?

Or is Southern California really satisfied with the mindless, anemic, heavily commercialized chatter of deejays who think cute talk and canned routines pass for entertainment?

Too scary to contemplate.


