
‘Animals Are Victims of Slavery’

Carlsen’s article, suggesting that animals and humans must be treated equally, indicates to me that a new religion has been created. If a human chooses to worship animals, as in India, he has that freedom. However, as with all of our diversified religions, do not try to impose your religion on others.

I do not choose to believe that a laboratory-bred rat is Carlsen’s equal. If the rat has to be sacrificed to save Carlsen’s life, I am all for it. However if he chooses not to avail himself of all the great medical achievements brought about by the sacrifice of laboratory-bred animals, that is his prerogative. Anyone who believes that his life is no more important than a rat’s life, is in my opinion, a religious fanatic.

I hope that his religion appeals only to a small minority so that human lives can continue to be saved.



Woodland Hills
