
Trash Solution?

With all the wailing and gnashing of teeth that the city is doing in regard to the trash problem, they have never once mentioned the most obvious partial problem.

What do they have against the common household and business trash compactors?

Requiring compactors in all new and remodeled homes and encouraging the addition of compactors in older homes could cut the bulk of household trash by around 50%. One compactor bag holds the equivalent of five trash cans. The bags are sold at grocery stores for around $1.89 for five. There are compactors made for businesses.

A property tax credit for the purchase of the compactors could be given. This would be like the former solar equipment tax credits, which encouraged so many installations of that equipment.


Garbage should go into garbage disposals.

The most likely opponents to this suggestion would be the private trash collectors. The use of compactors would cut down their business. But it would save money for the apartment house owners and others who now pay for dumpsters.


San Diego
