
Local News in Brief : Use of Stationery Scored

Supporters of an initiative that would impose restrictions on development in Manhattan Beach have accused Mayor Bob Holmes of improperly using city stationery in opposing the measure.

Speaking at this week’s council meeting, they asserted that by using the stationery to criticize the measure, Holmes gave many residents the erroneous impression that all council members oppose it.

In response, Holmes said he used the stationery for a newsletter that he regularly sends at his own expense to 750 or more residents. The mayor also said he does not believe that residents will infer that his views represent those of other council members.


Councilman Gil Archuletta, who supports the measure, asked the city attorney to determine whether the mayor’s use of the stationery violates any law. In addition to Archuletta, the other council member who backs it is Jan Dennis.

Initiative supporters have until Feb. 1 to obtain enough signatures to place the matter on the June 7 ballot. The initiative would impose height restrictions on new development throughout most of the city.
