
Three Directories Spell Out Travel Ideas

Study tours, bicycle tours and free information are the topics of a trio of publications available to travelers.

If you consider education a fun experience, a learning vacation may be just the ticket. There are plenty of ideas for turning your vacation into an education in “Vacation Study Abroad.” The $19.95 handbook is published by the nonprofit Institute of International Education, 809 United Nations Plaza, New York 10017. It offers information on more than 1,000 summer and short-term study-abroad programs.

Many of the programs involve language study. Others include the study of philosophy in Leningrad, calligraphy in Beijing and art in Rio de Janeiro. Also included are tips on financing, day outings in the areas mentioned and housing.


Bicycle touring enthusiasts can choose from organized cycling tours throughout Europe, in China, the South Pacific and the Soviet Union, as well as in the United States.

The 1988 “Bicycle USA” guide lists more than 100 bicycle tour operators around the world with tours for a variety of ages and abilities.

For each tour listed, the guide tells how far bicyclists pedal each day, skill and fitness levels required, price ranges, types of accommodations and other information.


The guide is available for $4 from the League of American Wheelmen-TourFinder, 6707 Whitestone Road, Suite 209, Baltimore, Md. 21207.

For travelers who want information about a specific place or want to learn more about several vacation possibilities, the “1988 Directory of Free Vacation and Travel Information” is a good resource.

The directory tells where to get free brochures, maps, calendars of events, and gives information on recreational areas, landmarks and other tourist attractions around the United States and abroad.


The directory is available for $3.95 from the publisher, Pilot Books, 103 Cooper St., Babylon, N.Y. 11702.
