
Helping the Homeless

The Los Angeles Times ran an article concerning the small mission programs that help the homeless in the Los Angeles downtown area (“Homeless Scam Enriches Borderline Charities,” Metro, Feb. 22). The article was very damaging to the groups named, not because of facts or direct accusations, but due to vague innuendoes to throw doubt upon the integrity and probity of the leaders of these groups and those who solicit funds throughout the community.

These programs were judged harshly for not having space available commensurate with “legitimate missions.” But please ask any of the people that we rescue from the streets of Los Angeles if they prefer the housing that we provide, or would they rather spend the night at one of these “legitimate missions.”

As religious organizations, we have met the requirements of federal and state governments, and we also abide by the policies of each city where we solicit, obtaining permits and licenses whenever requested to do so. Even though we have such documentation, the story insinuates that we are still suspect.


The fact is that we are trying to the best of our ability with the resources provided to help those we can and to be of positive service to our community. We have goals by which we believe that the terrible problem of homeless living can be solved. Notice that the “legitimate missions” have not solved the problem. Why not give us a chance?


Carl Miller Ministries

Los Angeles
