
‘Smokers Stand Alone in Blame’

What a well chosen tandem of articles you presented March 5: “A Nation Bereft of Thinkers,” a fine analysis of the intellectual stagnation that grips our nation, and “Smokers Stand Alone,” a defense, or an appeal to consider personal responsibility, and therefore choice, when dealing with the rights of smokers.

It is in the best interest of the nation to regulate any product which pollutes the atmosphere, endangers lives and degrades the environment. The Constitution is careful to weigh the rights of individuals when these rights come into conflict. Nowhere is there mention of the right to simple vices like smoking.

Societies, like men, have a desire, an instinct toward self-preservation. If in principle the sale of dangerous and addictive drugs is to be sanctioned without review, then what can be next, cocaine and marijuana?


Interestingly enough Machan teaches philosophy, though nowhere does he consider the cause of tobacco addiction, or even pleasure for that matter. And the ethics of selling toxic substances for profit is not a matter for discussion.


