
Alma Archer Fox; Former Fashion, Style Columnist

Alma Archer Fox, 89, a well-known authority on fashion, style and taste during her career as a syndicated columnist with the New York Mirror. She landed her first fashion job in Los Angeles in the early 1920s designing custom-made Cadillacs and moved to New York in 1924 where she ran a charm school on Fifth Avenue and became a columnist. Highlights of her career included interviewing Adolf Hitler, drinking with Ernest Hemingway in Paris and sailing south of France with James Joyce. In 1937 she was featured in a full-page ad in the Saturday Evening Post promoting Chrysler automobiles and proclaiming her “one of the world’s great authorities on style and smartness.” Her column on fashion and style was once carried by more than 1,100 newspapers. In a Galesburg, Ill., nursing home on Tuesday.
