
‘Stamp of Approval’ for Postage Hike

Welcome to the 25-cent postage rate; goodby to the 22-cent stamp. I made some crude calculations. Up to 1932 our first-class postage rate was 2 cents. It stayed there until the 3-cent rate came in and remained through World War II, the Korean War and finally gave way to the 4-cent rate in 1958. That lasted until the 5-cent rate in 1963. Five years later is crept up to 6 cents. In 1971 it leap-frogged to 8 cents. Then in 1974 it jumped to 10 cents. Just over a year later it took a 30% hike to 13 cents which lasted only two years. The 15-cent rate lasted just over a year to be replaced by the 18-cent rate in 1981 which lasted about a year before the 20-cent rate came in 1982. That lasted until 1984. Now the 22-cent rate has been around for nearly 3 1/2 years, it’s time to jump up again to 25 cents.

Using these raw data, I project postage rates for first-class letters to be: 1990, 30 cents; 1995, 36 cents; 1999, 42 cents; and by the end of the century, close to 50 cents. Oh yes, by the year 2050, the rate should be about $3!

But when all is said and done, a “penny postcard” will still be a fond memory along with a nickel Coke, a dime movie ticket, and a nickel trolley ride. Is my age showing?



North Hollywood
