
Hotel Project in Harbor City

On March 17 your newspaper published an article regarding my ongoing struggle to develop a 10-unit hotel on my commercial property on 262nd Street in Harbor City. Your reporter, Sheryl Stolberg, and I were discussing another project in Harbor City located on 252nd Street. She apparently couldn’t understand why I would continue to develop other properties in Harbor City despite the opposition of the Harbor Pines neighborhood group. My reply was, “I don’t care about the people in Harbor Pines.” I was responding to her question regarding the 252nd Street project--not the 262nd Street hotel project.

It is my opinion that the Harbor Pines homeowners group could not care less what I develop on 252nd Street. I, in turn, don’t think I should concern myself with their collective opinion of what I develop on 252nd Street.

Your reporter has taken my statement out of context and placed it into a discussion on the 262nd Street hotel project. That is not my idea of practicing sound professional journalism.



Harbor City
