
Azusa : Vote on Fireworks Set

Voters will be asked Nov. 8 if they wish to continue the sale and use of fireworks, the City Council decided Monday. In approving the advisory vote, the council refused a request from the city Fire Department to ban the sale of so-called “safe and sane” fireworks in the city.

Representatives from a handful of service and charitable organizations, including the Boy Scouts and a coach from Azusa Pacific University, said their fund raising would be hampered if the council took away this source of revenue.

Councilman Harry Stemrich said illegal fireworks, such as bottle rockets and firecrackers, are the primary cause of damage. He directed Police Chief Lloyd Wood to work with other law enforcement agencies to crack down on offenders.


Mayor Eugene Moses agreed with Stemrich that illegal fireworks present the greatest threat but also said legal fireworks are dangerous. The vote, he said, would give a clear indication of public sentiment.
