
Shoot Rioters, Expel Activists, Israeli Urges

Associated Press

The man who may become Israel’s foreign minister said today the army must shoot rioters and deport hundreds of Palestinian activists in order to crush the 7-month-old rebellion in the occupied lands.

Only a harsh crackdown can restore Israel’s ability to deter revolt among the 1.5 million Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, said Benyamin Netanyahu, a former ambassador to the United Nations.

Netanyahu could be the next foreign minister if his right-wing Likud bloc wins the November election.


Netanyahu told the Associated Press today that Israel should “expel the main core of inciters who plan, organize and execute the riots. . . . We are talking about hundreds of people.”

Prison Not a Deterrent

Thousands of Arab activists have been arrested in the last seven months, but Netanyahu said prison terms no longer serve as a deterrent. Local leaders are replaced as soon as they are arrested, he said.

Israel’s expulsion early in the uprising of 21 Arabs has brought condemnation from abroad, including criticism by U.S. officials who say the action violates international law and human rights conventions.


Netanyahu told Israeli reporters Thursday that the United Nations spent several minutes censuring Israel when four Arabs were expelled earlier this year, and said the censure would last only a few minutes more if Israel deported hundreds.

The former ambassador said today that authorities must let soldiers and Israeli civilians shoot with “intent to neutralize” Arabs throwing stones and firebombs.
