
State Should Assume Cost of Clean Water

I was appalled to read . . . that a committee representing water suppliers and producers “has concluded that widespread pollution of ground water . . . cannot be overcome without raising money locally to supplement state and federal efforts” (Times, June 30).

All citizens are going to have to awaken to the fact that hazardous and non-hazardous waste has been handled in the cheapest way possible. Sooner or later, and it looks like sooner, we will have to pay for those mistakes.

The chemicals that pollute our waters have, for the most part, either been brought in from other areas and dumped here or been used by industry. Adding to the problem are the thousands of underground storage tanks that are leaking.


Unfortunately, we do need funds for cleanup. But this should be a statewide burden.

We have been excessively dumped upon because of the number of landfills in our area and the political climate. It is not appalling that we should be asked to help pay for the cleanup. What is most inappropriate is the suggestion that only San Gabriel Valley residents should be monetarily responsible. Such funds should come from a state tax and not be limited to residents in our area.

It appears likely that we must be ready to fight over this issue.


West Covina
