
Raids on Homeless

In using the power of the state to beat down the already-downtrodden, the mayor of Santa Ana has shown the homeless and the American Civil Liberties Union who’s boss.

No one pushing around a shopping cart containing all their worldly possessions is going to push him around, and to prove it, Santa Ana--like the “City of Angels”--will continue to dispose of any belongings found unattended on city property.

Liberals can put up and shut up, since their failure to provide the homeless with places to live caused this problem in the first place.


You learn to expect this type of solution to a serious problem by an Orange County “leader.” Here, aesthetics overrule compassion, money replaces morals, property values are the only values and homelessness is a crime.

In Orange County, it has become chic to spit on those who’ve had the misfortune to fall beneath you.


