
Blasters Try It Again With a New Guitar Man

When it comes to musical marriages, the Blasters have been about as lucky in love as Elizabeth Taylor--and nearly as busy. But like the undaunted bride who’s willing to give it yet one more try, the group is trotting back to the rock ‘n’ roll altar with new member Greg Hormel, the house-afire band’s fourth guitarist in three years.

Hormel is following in the illustrious footsteps of Dave Alvin, the late Hollywood Fats and former X-traordinaire guitarist Billy Zoom. Treated to an effusive reception Saturday at the Coach House in San Juan Capistrano, Hormel made a persuasive, take-no-prisoners Southland debut. The victory, however, came on safe turf--a largely familiar set drawn from the band’s four albums and dominated by Dave Alvin’s second-to-none songs. The next step--and real test--will come later this summer when lead singer Phil Alvin is due to introduce his songs.

Second-billed Ivan Neville, the son of Aaron and a smoky, smoldering singer in his own right, demonstrated--in the finest Neville tradition--how harmoniously up-to-the-minute-sounding R&B; can co-exist with the timeless soul of the blues.
