
Delegates Yelled ‘Wrap It Up’ : ‘It Was a Bust,’ Clinton Says of His Long Speech

Associated Press

Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton conceded today that his nominating speech for Michael S. Dukakis, lasting more than 30 minutes and drawing yells from the audience to “wrap it up,” was a “bust in the hall” at the Democratic National Convention. But he said the Dukakis camp had wanted him to give a serious speech and had cleared it before delivery.

“They wanted me to give one kind of speech,” Clinton said. “I could have given five minutes of one-liners. They wanted to try this. They probably will never try it again after this.”

Clinton took so long Wednesday night giving personal reasons why fellow governor Dukakis should be President that Democratic convention delegates cheered loudest when he said, “In closing. . . . “


Television cameras showed Clinton ignoring a flashing red light on the podium signaling it was time to stop. House Speaker Jim Wright, the convention chairman, at one point edged close enough to urge Clinton to finish.

Mike McCurry, a spokesman for the Democratic Party, said the speech was “clearly longer than we had anticipated.” Clinton apparently revised the speech until the last moment, McCurry said.

“I guess, should I say, revisions or additions?” McCurry added.

Restless delegates, who had initially given the speech a warm reception, chanted, “We want Mike!” Some shouted, “Wrap it up!” and ran fingers across their throats.


Jesse Jackson’s nominators had revved up the capacity Omni crowd, and the Dukakis delegates were eager to get on with the roll call ritual.

But Clinton, 41, who himself had considered running for President this year, plowed through nearly all of his 4,000-word text and took more than twice his allotted 15 minutes.

“The yellers took half my speech time,” the former Rhodes scholar said.
