
For Sale: 12 Islands With 2,900 Sheep, No Neighbors

Associated Press

Twelve islands, complete with a country house and 9,000-acre sheep farm, have just gone on sale for $67,600. But the buyer will have to like solitude.

The Swan Islands are in the remote South Atlantic British colony of the Falkland Islands, off southern Argentina, and are about 100 miles from the colonial capital of Stanley. Included in the price are the three-bedroom farmhouse and 2,900 sheep. The name of the seller was not made public.

“The farm is a real bargain,” Ray Burke, assistant managing director of the Falkland Islands Co. in London, which is handling the sale, said Sunday. But “you’ve got to like your own company out there. You definitely need a boat, because the nearest neighbor is about 30 miles away.”


But it does have its advantages. “The penguins come for nothing,” Burke said.
