
Republican Convention

All those speakers at the Republican convention who kept saying President Reagan didn’t and Bush won’t raise our taxes are being dishonest with the American people!

Our taxes were raised last year in a sneaky maneuver labeled tax “reform.” My income did not increase in 1987, yet my taxes went up by $1,000. Everybody I know paid at least $1,000 more in income tax--from secretaries to computer programmers. The guy who sits in the booth at my parking lot paid more in income taxes. I don’t know too many millionaires. But I’ll bet their taxes didn’t go up the way the average American’s did.

We can be sure that in the near future the government will need to raise more money to pay off the huge debts it’s been running up the past eight years. I prefer to vote for a party and candidates who will tell us what they are doing, who will call a spade a spade, than for the Republican candidates who try to hide the fact that they are taking more money from us and don’t have enough respect for us to think we’re smart enough to compare this year’s tax return with last year’s!



La Habra
