
Local News in Brief : Trailer Offering Aid to Homeless to Move

A trailer that provides services for the homeless ended a four-week stay in Van Nuys on Friday and will be used next in South-Central Los Angeles, city officials said.

More than 700 homeless people visited the mobile ombudsman trailer in Van Nuys, including at least 100 children, according to Los Angeles’ homeless project coordinator, Robert Vilmur. A van brought participants to the trailer from parks around the San Fernando Valley, starting its rounds at 5 a.m.

Workers at the trailer offer assistance in a range of areas, including veteran’s benefits, welfare, shelter referrals and job referrals.


Vilmur said it will be several weeks before he knows how many of the people helped by trailer staff have gotten off the streets.

No location in South-Central Los Angeles has been selected yet, but the trailer is expected to be set up there within two months, Vilmur said.
