
American Chefs

I was extremely disappointed that Calendar would feature a story--and a cover story at that--on those foreign “Shuttle Chefs” from Paris (“Shuttle Chefs,” by Ruth Reichl, Sept. 11).

What are you, Commies?

When will you wise up and do a story on all the terrific chefs born and bred right here in America--like Col. Sanders?

For instance, what’s the inside scoop behind the Colonel’s famous “11 herbs and spices” secret recipe? How long is Kentucky Fried Chicken’s “$10.99 10-Piece Family Meal” going to last? Did anyone, anywhere, really, eat a Kentucky Fried rat? And what about all those persistent rumors that the Colonel is still alive, currently employed by Elvis, Jim Morrison and/or Marilyn Monroe?


We red-blooded Americans want answers!


Sherman Oaks
