
Liberalism, Reaganism and the Presidential Campaign

Your front-page article about the economy (“Young Middle America Lags Under Reagan: Are You Better Off: Yes, if You’re Female or Elderly,” Oct. 29) pointed up many facts that need to be emphasized in choosing a President.

Bush has stated many times that “more Americans are working now,” and “family income is up.” What he does not say is the reason: more jobs are low-paying with no health benefits, and more mothers have had to join the work force, causing a tremendous child-care problem.

As your article pointed out, some Americans are better off now, but the overall fabric of family life has been changed.


The United States has become a debtor nation. Our financial health is at risk. The competition from other nations in economic matters is more of a threat, in my opinion, than any threat of nuclear war. And the threat to families because of the economic demands strikes at very basic values.


San Luis Obispo
