

Clipboard researched by Susan Davis Greene, Dallas Jamison and Rick VanderKnyff / Los Angeles Times. Graphics by Leavett Biles / Los Angeles Times

If you are the victim of a jewel theft, chances are less than one in 10 your goods will be recovered to the extent of their full worth. Last year, for example, just 7.5% of the nearly $22 million stolen was recovered. And that was a considerable improvement from the year before, when the comparable figure was 4.7%. Here’s the trend for the last five years:

Value Value % Value Year Stolen Recovered Recovered * 1987 $21,666,613 $1,626,867 7.5 1986 25,883,577 1,226,335 4.7 1985 22,150,718 1,227,615 5.5 1984 19,542,620 1,530,539 7.8 1983 19,944,597 2,136,957 10.7 5-YEAR TOTAL $109,188,125 $7,748,313 7.1

* Ratio of the value of property recovered to the value of property stolen

Source: State Attorney General’s Office, Bureau of Criminal Statistics
