
Eastern Bias in the Media

What an excellent feature (Nov. 17)! But I say, “So what?” The news sources in Southern California (including the fine L.A. Times), are heady with an hour and a half each evening of well-researched local, national and international news stories. Let the eastern establishment journalists have their 22 minutes “on air” each night. They don’t add that much to what we already get.

My crowd won’t watch Dan Rather, and Tom Brokaw and Peter Jennings aren’t that spectacular. The smartest thing our local producers ever did was limit these major New York-based networks to a half-hour time slot. CNN is just about as flat with few innovations. The one exception is the beautifully produced and balanced PBS “MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour” which presents stories broad in scope and geography.

As the song goes:

“I’ll take Los Angeles

The Sunny Coast

And San Diego, too.”

We’ve got it all, babe!


