
Beverly Hills Theater

My friends and I were discussing points of origin, and one friend said with much pride that she was from Hancock Park. Another friend (who was from out of town) was puzzled why this was so significant, and it was explained that it was like being from Beverly Hills, except that while Beverly Hills was crass, uncultured “new money,” Hancock Park was cultured, “old money.” At the time, I disagreed, for I myself have partaken of much cultural enjoyment in Beverly Hills where I come for dining, dance lessons, theater and the general ambiance.

But now I think perhaps my friend was right. I see from The Times article on the L.A. Conservancy’s activities (Oct. 9) that Beverly Hills is about to tear down one of its few grand, historic places. The Beverly Theater is a wonderful landmark, in fine working condition, and yet the Beverly Hills City Council, the mayor, and Columbia Savings (which owns the property) are going to allow it to disappear.

For what? Lack of parking accommodations? Oh, please! Beverly Hills, surely you have more imagination than that. Because Columbia Savings won’t chip in enough? Oh, please! Sounds like you just don’t care enough about your own history.



Los Angeles
