
Go to Dictionary

In Leonard Feather’s review of jazz pianist Johnny Varro, “(Johnny Varro Solos at the Encino Marquis,” Dec. 15), he used the word superannuated to describe some of Johnny’s material.

Hastening to my dictionary, I found the first two meanings to be: 1. retired on account of age or infirmity, and 2. too old for work, service, or a position held.


It struck me that those definitions would serve as a perfect epitaph for Leonard’s tired maunderings. It would serve no purpose to repeat his innuendoes and questionable presumptions here except to point out to those who may not have heard Johnny Varro, that it is Johnny’s fluid style, impeccable timing sense, and recherche choice of material that have made him a favorite not only here, but also in Europe, where he spends much of his time traveling with all-star groups.


