

I was amazed by Joan Franco’s ability to meet the challenges of her daily life (“Big,” by Cathryn Jakobson, Nov. 27). I was, however, struck by something Franco said: “ ‘I think we were better off before the women’s movement. Now we’re stuck with two full-time jobs: raising a family, and working outside the home.’ ”

The women’s movement is focused on giving women their full range of choices as human beings--whether that choice is to be a full-time parent, work full time in the work force, or some combination. Franco herself has expresses the need of all women when she notes that she works as a nurse not only for the money but also for the stimulation. Women are whole people. No woman should be forced to sacrifice one or the other in order to satisfy society’s stereotypes. Without the movement, no woman, including Franco, would even have the option of making a choice.


Los Angeles
