
Gun Control Controversy

Unfortunately, your editorial “But There Is an Answer” (March 22) is not at all the answer, but rather only a single element in a complex situation. These so-called assault rifles have been around for years and no one even discussed them. Heretofore, the politically popular target was handguns and specifically “Saturday-night specials;” this year it’s trendy to be against semiautomatic rifles.

Guns do not shoot by themselves, they require someone to operate them, and that can either be done lawfully or illegally, just like a car (with the same untoward results if either is operated illegally). The real problem is how do we disarm the drug gangs who engage in daily shootings? The mere carrying of any loaded firearm on a public street is already illegal, so restrictive (yet properly balanced with appropriate registration provisions) gun legislation, although perhaps helpful, is certainly not the answer itself. That’s much too easy and simplistic a fix.

The basic issue is plea bargaining and available jail space. We need more jail space, more courts operated on longer work schedules, more and better paid police, and legislation restricting the use of plea bargaining (goes hand-in-hand with jail construction), particularly in cases involving use of a firearm in a drug-related incident or on a public street or area. It would certainly help all of us if journalists, politicians, pro-gun groups, and anti-gun groups alike would now turn their considerable resources and attention toward resolving these much more pervasive, difficult and important questions wherein lies the real answer, as difficult, expensive, and painful as it may prove to be.



Los Angeles
