
Chinese Massacre

As a Chinese-American who enjoys and appreciates all the democratic ideals and countless privileges of this land which the Chinese call “Beautiful Country” ( Meiguo ), I am deeply saddened by the events of recent weeks in China.

It’s extremely frustrating for me that I can only weep and pray for all those brave students who risked and at times gave up their lives for freedom and for a better China.

What’s to become of China and her people! The few who are old and dying have gone mad with their greed for power and wealth! Indeed, their cruelty and their determination to exterminate all opposition will be remembered as the darkest chapter in the annals of world history. In their last dying breath they would kill their own young in order to hold onto their powerful positions. These clearly are the actions of a group of desperate men! What sort of future do they hope to have after they kill off the brightest and the country is left with a bunch of gun-wielding, uneducated morons who cannot think for themselves, but who will pander to the greed of these corrupted, dying monsters?

It’s very sad to be Chinese during these hours of infamy!


Los Angeles
