
Local : 2 Killed, 3 Wounded in Drive-By Gang Attack in Area of Coliseum

From Times staff and wire service reports

Two men were killed and three others wounded early this morning in a gang-related attack just blocks from the Los Angeles Coliseum, police said. The drive-by assault occurred at 1:15 a.m. in the 1000 block of 43rd Street.

Police identified the dead men as Jerry Knox, 33, struck by a car, and Edward Cory Brown, 17, who was shot. Both men lived nearby, police said.

Detective Lt. Robert Kimball said that the incident appears to be linked to a drive-by shooting two days earlier.


Two injured victims, Beatrice Moore, 19, and Rigoberto Valdivia, 22, were taken to County-USC Medical Center. Moore was in critical condition with a gunshot wound to the abdomen after undergoing surgery, said hospital spokeswoman Adelaide De La Cerda. Valdivia was in serious condition with a gunshot wound to the back.

The third victim, an unidentified 19-year-old man with a neck wound, was listed in critical condition at Martin Luther King Jr./Drew Medical Center.
