
Metro League All-Stars to Play San Diego Team

The Metro League all-stars will play an all-star team from a San Diego league at 2 p.m. today at Fullerton College. The Metro League consists of Orange County and Long Beach area college players.

The Metro League roster:

Pitchers--Greg Hays and Jeff Kanegae, Long Beach 49ers; Dave Turner, Huntington Beach Rustlers; Dave Bladow, Irvine Metros; Matt Lipscomb, Fullerton Blues; John O’Donohue and Jeff Middlebrook, Cypress Dawgs.

Catchers--Curtis Ledesma, Anaheim Amigos; Neil Weingarten, Pomona Colts; Eric Vargas, 49ers and Willy Speakman, Blues.


Infielders--Jerry Cawhorn, Rustlers; Jason Keeline, Colts; Jim Short, Blues; Tom Smythe and Rob Donlan, Amigos; Jay Carbello and Jeff Guerra, 49ers.

Outfielders--Dwight Mead and Ed Garcia, Dawgs; Donnie Harrell and Cory Ahart, Amigos; Frank Herman, Rustlers; Ed Cartwright and Tim Albert, Colts; Kevin Monson, Blues and Osmar DeChavez, Metros.
