
Monrovia : Tenants Fight Rent Hike

The tenant association of Park Santa Anita mobile home park has asked the city to review a rent increase by the park owners.

The residents of about 40 homes in the park were granted a reprieve in May when the Pasadena Superior court issued a temporary restraining order blocking the rent increase. But Judge Melvin B. Grover voided the order July 21 because there were alternate remedies the tenants could pursue, such as asking the city to mediate, said Bob Bulison, attorney for the tenants.

Under a Monrovia ordinance adopted in February, the city manager can block excessive rent increases if a mobile home park is closing and is more than 25% vacant, said City Atty. Rick Morillo.


Morillo, who received a rent review request from the tenants Monday, said the city manager must set a hearing within 15 days and decide within 30 days of the filing if the new rate of $350 per month exceeds fair market value. Rents at the park range from $180 to $250.
