
San Pedro Developer Gets Probation

San Pedro developer Arthur Corona, who ran afoul of city animal control officers when he refused to move a flock of sheep from a lot he owns on Pacific Avenue, was sentenced to two years’ probation Thursday for the misdemeanor violation.

San Pedro Municipal Judge Roy Ferkich also ordered Corona to pay a $300 fine or serve 10 days in jail, according to Deputy City Atty. Lynn Mayo. Ferkich dismissed an unrelated leash-law citation, ordering Corona to pay $25 in court costs.

If he violates his probation, Mayo said, Corona could be required to serve a maximum of six months in 1jail and pay a $1,000 fine, the standard penalty for misdemeanors.


Corona, who was convicted Tuesday after a jury trial in which he defended himself, moved the sheep from his property Wednesday, saying, “If it’s God’s will for my life that I don’t have the sheep in San Pedro, so be it.”
