
Art Funds and Censorship

John Farrell and Max Benavidez (“Let the Arts Be Unfettered by Politics of the Moment,” Op-Ed Page, Aug. 7) have stated clearly and unequivocally that the legislation proposed by Jesse Helms (R-N.C.) to bar the National Endowment for the Arts from making grants to organizations that support artwork found offensive by some is not only demeaning but undemocratic.

Who appointed Sen. Helms the “father” of us all? His paternalistic behavior suggests the he, and he alone, knows what is appropriate for us to see. No one was forced to see the Mapplethorpe or Serrano exhibits, but those who chose to do so should be free to make their own judgments.

Tampering with the autonomy of the NEA will accelerate the censorship of works of art which are considered offensive by totalitarian individuals and groups who have taken it upon themselves to make decisions for the rest of us. It is further tampering with the First Amendment.


In a free society, it is totally inappropriate for adults to be told what they can see, read or say as long as such activity does not infringe on the freedom or safety of others. Will the free men and women in Congress please stand up and say so!


Palm Springs
