

Research: Lilia Beebe / Los Angeles Times

Diseases reported to the Los Angeles County Department of Health:

Year to Year to May May Date Date 1989 1988 1989 1988 Intestinal Infections Amebiasis 51 42 203 152 Campylobacteriosis 90 79 380 362 Giardiasis 151 115 699 456 Salmonellosis 119 138 581 641 Shigellosis 135 103 682 475 Childhood diseases Mumps 14 12 38 65 Measles 41 47 405 153 German measles 7 4 29 12 Whooping cough 16 5 27 26 Scarlet fever 66 96 320 313 Venereal diseases Gonorrhea* 1,668 2,554 8,959 11,341 Penicillin-resistant gonorrhea 461 106 1,937 331 Syphilis, primary and secondary 257 200 1,377 1,491 Other infectious diseases Hepatitis A** 146 103 790 484 Hepatitis B(1) 45 60 243 304 Meningococcal infections(2) 10 19 143 158 Tuberculosis 208 149 735 639

Diseases may have been diagnosed prior to month reported.

* Gonorrhea cases include cases of penicillin-resistant gonorrhea.

** Hepatitis A is spread by fecal-contaminated water, food or household contact with an infected person.

(1) Hepatitis B is spread by contaminated blood, unsterile needles or sexual contact.

(2) Meningococcal infections can cause spinal meningitis and blood poisoning.

Source: L. A. County Department of Health Services
