
Edwin Elbert; WWII Chief of U.S. Mission

A memorial service will be held at 3 p.m. Sunday for Edwin A. Elbert, 85, a retired import-export executive who during and shortly after World War II was chief of the U.S. Mission to Italy and Japan, where he helped develop export programs for those two wartime enemies.

Elbert died Wednesday at a hospital near his home in Marina del Rey.

Before retiring to California, he lived in New York where he headed Elbert & Co., a family foreign trade firm. He also was an official of the American Assn. of Exporters and Importers and the New York Produce Exchange. In 1955 he was assistant director of the export-import division of the Federal Office of Price Stabilization.

Survivors include his wife, Muriel, a son and a daughter. The memorial service is scheduled at Westwood Presbyterian Church.
