
Criminal Justice System and Perjury on the Witness Stand

Manes of the Lawyers Police Misconduct Referral Service wrote regarding lying by police officers and the fact that this practice was condoned by superiors and the courts.

I have been a police officer for over 20 years and I am currently a supervisor. I do not lie about anything connected with my job and my department does not condone lying. If an officer is found to be lying, disciplinary action is taken. Civilian review will not change or improve this.

Manes’ profession, the practice of the law, once one of our most honored professions, has been denigrated by many of its practitioners. The practices of many lawyers neither serve the cause of justice nor do they ennoble the profession in the eyes of the public. Attorneys are an important part of the criminal justice system and form the pool from which our judges are chosen.


Misconduct by attorneys is judged and acted upon solely by other lawyers and seldom, if ever, is appropriate punishment meted out. I personally know of many examples of gross lawyer misconduct where the punishment given was nonexistent or laughable.

Lying or improper conduct by anyone holding the public trust is deplorable; however, in Mr. Manes’ case, “Let ye who have no sin cast the first stone.”


