
Feeding Homeless

In response to “Group Defies Order to Stop Feeding Poor,” Metro, Nov. 2:

I live across the street from Plummer Park in West Hollywood where the homeless are being fed. The Greater West Hollywood Food Coalition gives away food--that’s good. They have also been giving away the safety, security and decency of my neighborhood--that’s not even a little good.

The park has become a cesspool--it simply stinks of excrement. The public restrooms are unusable by ordinary folk but not by the junkies shooting up in there--go see, they don’t stop just because people come in. The neighborhood is becoming a cesspool: The homeless defecate on our lawns, they sleep in our garages and break into our cars and apartments. One of the homeless set a fire in the garage behind my building, burning it down along with my car.

I am furious that our city council permitted this program to begin without taking steps in advance to protect us. The construction of the new civic center in West Hollywood Park will just send more of the homeless to Plummer. We have placed Proposition B on Tuesday’s ballot to prevent this.


The celebrities who served up the food to the homeless get no honor from being charitable with our safety and our neighborhood.


West Hollywood
